Oct 20, 2011

Same Idea Three Ways

The Glamourai posted about not having enough time to think of wildly fashionable outfits for every day and how with the same general idea you can look stlyish multiple ways. Here's a peek of her three White Tops, Black Skirts post:

Get the whole post, with the rest of her great outfits and their details here: www.theglamourai.com/

Much more chic then my go to (jeans and a cute tee)

~Be Inspired~


.sabo skirt. said...

We really love the combination of white tops and black skirts! Very gorgeous and sophisticated styles! We love the style very much! :)

Much love from the SABO SKIRT girls!
SHOP: www.saboskirt.com
BLOG: www.saboskirt.blogspot.com

Ania said...

I love this outfit so much!

Clara Turbay said...

love it.
please come to see mine.

Matter Of Style said...

I love her style, she's always flawless!