Apr 3, 2012

Sweater with Lace Stripes Tutorial

Three things I love about early spring fashion - wearing a sweater without a jacket, nautical stripes and lace :)
So a little while ago I made myself a striped sweater with some lace trim I bought at the closing sale of a Fabricland by me for super cheap and an old Zara sweater.
The steps are pretty simple and all you need is a sweater, scissors, lace trim, pins, tape measure, and matching needle and tread.

I made a little slideshow of how you set it up.... that ened up a little big but its still pretty cool
ZfOoGA on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs
make animated gifs like this at MakeAGif

 Step one:
Figure out the spacing with your tape measure and place pins to mark the spots, its probably a good idea to do this on both sides so that the lines are straight.

Step two:
Cut your lace trim to the right lengths, I decided to just do it on the front section because thats all I had enough lace for but all the way around or on the arms could be cute too. :)

Step three:
Hand sew on the lace making sure to keep the stiches on the outside small and hidden in the dark parts of the lace.

And enjoy!


~Be Inspred!~

Feb 5, 2012

Nails Nails Nails

Hello Everybody!

Last you heard from me I was still in Canada, preparing for finals and waiting not so patiently for Christmas break! Now, a couple months later, I am in The Netherlands doing a semester abroad and LOVING it :) Some time next week I will do my first Euro post but for now I have some back log that I've been meaning to post for a long time.

For your consideration, Nail Polish Extravaganza!!

I Love this Insta-dry stuff from Sally Hansen, it has a great brush and it takes the worst part about doing your nails (waiting for them to dry) out of the equation!

Added the silver stripes for some interest.

These are actually stickers that I got at WalMart! Not to bad :P

They didnt last very long, a week tops, but were fun while it lasted.

Purple with a gold overlay, this is actually how my nails are right now :)

Check out the crazy woven walls in my apartment and ignor my horrible cuticles

To get the thin streaky layer of gold over the purple I dabbed it on with my fingertip and smuged it off so the gold was just an overlay

I have a couple more to show you but I'll put them up another day, you know what they say about too much of a good thing :D
~Be Inspired~