May 11, 2011


Seeing as it was my first day at my new job as a summer temp I thought a fun feature on fashionable temporary additions would be appropriate.

I first thought of the idea when I saw this article on

Temporary Lip tattoos are apparently the new "fashion challenge"; who can pull it off?!

I think the pink one is pretty cute but I don't think I can pull it off...

Other more traditional temps:


High fashion via Sophy Robson

More of a do it yourself option :)


Love this photo, Chanel has a couple to choose from

Henna is a fun thing to get into with your artsy friends
Yes, that's my hand!

Hair Extensions

I kid :P

Feather extensions! With a tutorial here on how to do it at home

That's all for now folks, have a great Wednesday!!

~Be Inspired~


The Disco Pony Girl (CEO and Designer at Disco Pony) said...

Thank you Kate for your super sweet comment! :) I'm dyying for your feather hair extensions! I wantttt! SO much love Zoey @ makeshiftmodel xx

Chiffon Dreams said...

the sound of lip tattoos is kind of scary!! especially with "violent" in the name...

stop by!